Need help figuring out adoption relationships? Schedule a complimentary consultation with Lori.

Lori Holden's Workshops & Webinars

Are you affiliated with:

  • an adoption or child-welfare agency?
  • an adoptive parent support group?
  • an adoption conference?
  • adoption camp?
  • any other adoption education event?

Below are three current offerings. Each can be customized.

Option 1:
Being the Parent Your Child Needs You To Be

  • Full day workshop complete with interactive exercises
  • Includes three adoptee & birth parent panelists to share their lived experiences and viewpoints on openness
  • Explores three shifts that help participants evolve from fearful to fearless in our adoptive parenting
  • Participants come away with a new orientation from which to generate creative solutions to tricky situations in adoptive parenting
  • Situations addressed include conversations around boundaries and conflict, parenting with intention and attunement, and cultivating discernment, openness, and confidence


Lori provided a day-long conference for adoptive, foster, and guardianship parents and professionals. Lori thought through every detail, and it really paid off. We couldn’t be more pleased with how the day went!

Lori presented in a way that kept attendees engaged. Attendees left with a greatly enhanced understanding of what openness in adoption really looks like, and how every single adoption can be an open adoption.

The word that describes the feeling in the room after the conference is energized. Feedback was ALL positive, with participants saying they learned something new and intend to apply it. Highly recommend!
—Jessica Wright
Wisconsin Adoption & Permanency Support Program

Option 2:
Navigating Openness in Adoption

  • 75 to 120 minutes
  • In person or via webinar
  • Can be co-presented with Angela Tucker, author of You Should Be Grateful
  • Introduces the Open Adoption Grid and the Inclusive Family Support Model

Option 3:
"You’re Not My Real Mom!"+ 9 More Parenting Conversations That Will Arise

  • 60 to 90 minutes
  • In person or via webinar
  • Co-presented with Barbara Herel, an experienced adoptive mom, stepped in adoption’s BothAnd, who brings levity to the gravity of these situations
  • A humorous take on serious situations adoptive parents WILL face
  • Interactive and with role-playing

Adoption Unfiltered Workshops & Webinars

Sara Easterly (adoptee), Kelsey Vander Vliet Ranyard (birth parent) and I (adoptive parent) offer webinars and workshops based on our collaboration in writing Adoption Unfiltered, such as:

  • adoption agency staff development
  • adoptive parent education
  • supplement to social work and therapist graduate programs
  • judicial and legal trainings
  • education for professionals who are both upstream and downstream in the adoption process.

Each offering below can be customized.

Adoption Agency Staff Development
What Leading Agencies Need to Know

  • 90-120 minutes.
  • In person or by Zoom.
  • Covers five categories of client and cultural misperceptions that result in outdated ideas that are harmful.
  • Offers fresher ideas and guidance on how to have necessary conversations.
  • Aims leading agencies toward providing informed consent for both sets of clients.
  • Invites and models true adoptee-orienting.

Adoptive Parent Education
What Does it Mean to Be Truly Adoptee-Centered?

  • 90 to 120 minutes
  • In person or via webinar
  • Examines five categories of cultural misperceptions that result in outdated ideas that make parenting more difficult and attachment more challenging.
  • Offers fresher ideas and guidance for common parenting situations.
  • Suggests crucial ways to support adoptee maturation through developmental stages.
  • Reveals how to be both wise and compassionate as the power-holders in adoption.
Lori, Kelsey, and Sara,present findings from Adoption Unfiltered

Have a group of judges, attorneys, social workers, therapists, educators, counselors, etc?

We can customize content that will help bring your group up to speed on how adoption practices and how the relationships that result from it need to evolve in the 21st century to better orient on the adoptee.

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