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Perfect Moment Family Edition

It is late afternoon. Roger has just gotten home from work and has changed from his nice clothes to jeans and a t-shirt. He’s looking mighty fine, now fitting into jeans the same size he wore during his college days.

He’s offered to cook supper tonight, and he unloads the groceries he brought home. He trims and seasons the steaks, which are sure to be yummy, and lets them sit while the grill heats up.

The kids are jumping all over him, to his delight. He sits Tessa down to work on her kindergarten homework. She beams as she demonstrates the difference between an upper-case P and a lower-case p.

Reed tells about the boy in preschool who ate glue. He extracts from Daddy a promise to build a Le.go spaceship after dinner.

I am in the family room reading and commenting on blogs. I have almost missed a perfect moment. I look up and tune in just in time.

0 Responses

  1. I do sometimes wonder how my favorites(and that includes you) find the time to be such prolific bloggers and active commenters. I’ve felt guilty about my frequent absences from the blogosphere lately, but I’m out enjoying those perfect moments, too. It is difficult to strike the balance between our on- and offline worlds.

  2. It’s amazing how much effort it takes to ‘be in teh moment’ and even more amazning how worthwhile the effort when we can manage it! So glad you had that moment to cherish

  3. I do sometimes wonder how my favorites(and that includes you) find the time to be such prolific bloggers and active commenters. I’ve felt guilty about my frequent absences from the blogosphere lately, but I’m out enjoying those perfect moments, too. It is difficult to strike the balance between our on- and offline worlds.

  4. It’s amazing how much effort it takes to ‘be in teh moment’ and even more amazning how worthwhile the effort when we can manage it! So glad you had that moment to cherish

  5. It’s amazing where the best moments come from – the simple, every day aspects of life. I’m so glad you looked up at the right moment:)

  6. Ahhh… sounds wonderful. Do you think your husband could magically make me fit into my college size again??

  7. It’s amazing where the best moments come from – the simple, every day aspects of life. I’m so glad you looked up at the right moment:)

  8. Ahhh… sounds wonderful. Do you think your husband could magically make me fit into my college size again??

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