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Deep thought, trivia thought

We imagine conception. With our thoughts and sheer will, we try to propel the sperm toward the egg in the hopes of joining two sets of DNA to create a new being. 1 + 1 = 1. We pray to the gods for that physical being to manifest.

We argue about it. We justify our opinions on the exact moment that a group of cells becomes a person. A physical person.

But I often wonder (as do others) about the moment of ensoulment. When is the physical joined by the spiritual?

On my 40th birthday, I tried to imagine this moment in my own life. The joining of matter and consciousness, of the physical and the metaphysical. I found a deep meditative state and while I remember no thoughts from it, I was left with a a deep sense of purpose. I am. Temporal and eternal. Limited and timeless. Cells and energy, experiencing what neither can alone.

Do you have any thoughts on this?


Yay! Looks like we made it to Day 3 of Lori’s Childhood Trivia. Keep playing if you’ve already been here, and join in if you’re new — some of the guesswork has already been done for you.

Your guesses are good ones, and each one makes me think of riding my bike to the U Tote Em with my sister, Sheri. This was a big deal because (1) we had to cross a busy street, and (2) we’d be out of shouting distance of our parents. This was a huge step on our road to independence.

We’d buy some of the items you are guessing — gum, comic books, Tiger Beat. And sometimes we’d buy this, the correct answer of this round.

What we know so far is that it’s an object. It is not a slushy, Fun Dip, gum, a store, a gumball machine, bingo, a gasoline contest, Bazooka Joe, comic book or magazine. Here comes Clue #3:

Clue #1: convenience store
Clue #2: monthly
Clue :3: totally tubular

You’re welcome to add this bling to your blog when you play. You can either copy the image and link to this hyperlink, or get the code here. I appreciate your helping bring over other players :-).

If you win, you get upgraded from Player bling to Winner bling, joining other Smart Chicks like Mel, M, Niobe and Millie.

So. Hit me with your best shot.

And tell me what you think about ensoulment.

Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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0 Responses

  1. I’m stumped! I’m guessing some sort of magazine, but no idea which one.I like the horoscope scrolls! Good Guess

  2. Oooh! Oooh! Is it those horoscope scrolls? And sorry, but it’s too early in the morning for my brain to have anything to say on the nature of existence.

  3. I’m stumped! I’m guessing some sort of magazine, but no idea which one.I like the horoscope scrolls! Good Guess

  4. Oooh! Oooh! Is it those horoscope scrolls? And sorry, but it’s too early in the morning for my brain to have anything to say on the nature of existence.

  5. I’m thinking tampons, too. Deep thoughts? Dang, I’d be proud of some ankle deep thoughts, these days. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, though.

  6. Pixi Sticks? or Slim Jims? Those are the only things coming to mind (though I loved the tampons ideas above).No deep thoughts here, sorry, only trivial ones.

  7. You know, with regard to the physical and the spiritual, my most pressing thoughts on this in the past several years is “What happens to that energy when we die?”Is the energy that manifests itself as “life” preserved? Is it let go? My Catholic self and my questioning self are constantly nagging each other about this inside my head.What are your thoughts? I’m curious.

  8. I can’t believe that I’m the only one for whom the combination of “monthly” and “tubular” brings to mind, um, feminine protection products. Such as, I dunno, Rely tampons.

  9. Darn, I think annacyclopedia beat me to it — I completely right away thought about those scrolls too.I loved them. I should buy one now and see what it has to say…I want to respond to your first thought too — but I have to sit with it for awhile…I love your blog Lori —XOPam

  10. Um…candy cigarettes. I used to eat a lot of those…As far as ensoulment- I told my husband from the early days of our relationship that we were going to have a son, and he was going to look like his father. I could feel him floating around in the ether- he just wouldn’t come in. Every month I would have a dream that said “not this time”. My disappointment and crying jags would always start with that dream. The month I became pregnant, I had a dream that my husband and I were walking through the forest wearing crowns of flowers, being feted by the forest, Queen and King of the Harvest. Weird, yes. But it meant our dream had come to fruition. It just took me a while to finally believe that dream was true. I think my son told me as soon as he was conceived.

  11. Necco wafers.Or squeeze pops. Did they have squeeze pops in the 70s? They definitely had Necco wafers because that was the treat my sister and I always got…

  12. I’m thinking tampons, too. Deep thoughts? Dang, I’d be proud of some ankle deep thoughts, these days. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter, though.

  13. Pixi Sticks? or Slim Jims? Those are the only things coming to mind (though I loved the tampons ideas above).No deep thoughts here, sorry, only trivial ones.

  14. You know, with regard to the physical and the spiritual, my most pressing thoughts on this in the past several years is “What happens to that energy when we die?”Is the energy that manifests itself as “life” preserved? Is it let go? My Catholic self and my questioning self are constantly nagging each other about this inside my head.What are your thoughts? I’m curious.

  15. I can’t believe that I’m the only one for whom the combination of “monthly” and “tubular” brings to mind, um, feminine protection products. Such as, I dunno, Rely tampons.

  16. Darn, I think annacyclopedia beat me to it — I completely right away thought about those scrolls too.I loved them. I should buy one now and see what it has to say…I want to respond to your first thought too — but I have to sit with it for awhile…I love your blog Lori —XOPam

  17. Um…candy cigarettes. I used to eat a lot of those…As far as ensoulment- I told my husband from the early days of our relationship that we were going to have a son, and he was going to look like his father. I could feel him floating around in the ether- he just wouldn’t come in. Every month I would have a dream that said “not this time”. My disappointment and crying jags would always start with that dream. The month I became pregnant, I had a dream that my husband and I were walking through the forest wearing crowns of flowers, being feted by the forest, Queen and King of the Harvest. Weird, yes. But it meant our dream had come to fruition. It just took me a while to finally believe that dream was true. I think my son told me as soon as he was conceived.

  18. Necco wafers.Or squeeze pops. Did they have squeeze pops in the 70s? They definitely had Necco wafers because that was the treat my sister and I always got…

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