I hereby open the Limerick Chick Contest for 2010!
Valentine’s Day has passed, and that means it’s time for all things green and Irish. And what could be more Irish than wordplay that is eponymous with a county in Ireland?
Erica of ParenthoodForMe won in 2009
I once was scared of the gyno
Now I’ll drop my pants for a rhino
When bad times are worse
There’s blogs like the mrsch
Or instead I can just be a whino
Niobe of Dead Baby Jokes won in 2008.
Said, “Look, my name sounds like Nairobi
It isn’t ni-OBE
Doesn’t rhyme with microbe
And if you don’t like it, then blow me.”
Kristen of Sticky but Sweet won in 2007.
Who set out to go and make babies
They became Stirrup Queens
Or so it would seem
Until they all wound up with scabies!
Who will be the winning limericist for 2010?
What you need to know:
- Use the limerick form, as in Hickory Dickory Dock.
- Mention at least one other blog or blogger, with a link to his/her blog.
- Up to two entries per person. Please do not submit more than two.
- Enter by 8 pm MDT on March 1. Entries will be divided into three flights. Each flight will have 3 days of voting to arrive at the top entry for each flight. Voting for these 3 finalists will begin March 12, and the grand prize winner will be announced on St Patrick’s Day.
- You don’t need to be a blogger to enter. If you have a blog, please use MckLinky (below) to link to the limerick on your blog. If you do NOT have a blog, leave your limerick as a comment.
- You need not be part of the ALI community (Adoption/Loss/Infertility) to enter. ALL readers of this blog are welcome to enter, and the subject matter is wide open.
- Post the Vote Button on your sidebar as well as in your limerick post to encourage others to enter/vote.
There is a prize. The winner will get either a $20 contribution to the nonprofit organization of her/his choice or a $20 gift card at Amazon.com.
Go n’eiri an t-adh leat (luck o’ the Irish to you).
See the cool stuff my classmates are showing and telling over at Mel’s Show & Tell.
21 Responses
Oh my! I’ll be trying to try this out. Not sure what I can come up with though!
Oh, ladies. I have been sitting up at night thinkin ’bout my limerick (well sort of). I am ready.
I am on this like…I was going to say white on rice, but that doesn’t seem appropriate for St. Patrick’s Day. Green on cabbage?
I am SO EXCITED about this, Loz. I entered in 2007 …. it’s how I found your blog. My ears perked up at the word “limerick”.
I *love* me a good limerick.
Thinking cap is ON. XOXOX
LOL i am so going to try this… maybe take me a few though.
oh wow! i’m going to have to think about this one. 🙂
What fun! I can’t wait to read the entries! And should I happen to be able to connect a few brain cells, I will give it a try as well.
I’m working hard on my second entry!
Oh boy… I’m going to be thinking in rhyme all night now.
Sounds like fun!
Ooooh….limericks. If I get really, really inspired (unlikely, but always possible) perhaps you could bend the rules so I can submit two limericks for each of my numerous multiple personalities. ; )
Yay! SO thrilled to be part of the fun this year.
I couldn’t get the “limerick chick” link to work in my actual post, but I did add it to my sidebar.
Thinking up a storm for entry #2.
I’m new here– found you through my sister’s blog (Alanaisms). While I blog, I don’t need to share my limerick with all my students, so I’m just posting it here as a comment. 🙂
Twelve pregnant gals at once I know,
And still here am I with no beau,
“All in good time,”
My friends do chime.
If their babes wed ere me- Oh no!!
Ok, I’ve entered a couple limericks, but I can’t access the Vote Button. I did post my links, although on the first one I forgot to put my name, just the title of the limerick.
oooh!!! It’s my first year to enter and wish I had some Irish Whiskey now…
Well, it sure looks like you can count me in on this one!
I am so excited to be doing it (I voted for my faves last year, but had not entered myself).
My 2 are done. Both varieties- Dirty and clean.
Everyone to this point is in! And I’ll put in your links as requested.
The whole list will be divided into thirds. One-third of the list will be up for a vote at a time. The three finalists will compete in the days before St Patrick’s Day. Let me know by email if you have any questions.
Some of you I have no email addresses for. I’ll let you know on the blog if I am trying to reach you.
I think I missed linking in by a few minutes. I had the hardest time figuring out how to link everything. I hope you will consider letting me enter. Pretty please?
Oh my goodness my brain broke …. it’s almost the end of the first of March for you! I hope I’m not too late!
Here is my hastily-written limerick:
There once was a gal named Melissa
Whose infertility was a Right Royal Pisser
She needn’t have fussed
Coz it led her to us
Now we’re all lining up just to kissa!
(I can’t enter the hyperMclinky, don’t know why … could you please link the word “us” to Stirrup Queens blogroll for me Lolz Cat? Thanks mate) XOX
I have a blog, but it’s down to the wire and by the time I figure out the linky stuff, well, I’d be entering next year. So, here’s mine as a comment:
You’d think that by now it’d be clear
That away from the screen I must steer
Cuz the kids are a’ fightin’
While terza rima I’m writin’
For Still Life, I’d limerick like Lear.
P.S. I tried to enter a hyperlink to Still Life 365: https://stilllife365.blogspot.com/
There was a young lady from Boston
Who had such a hideous bosom
That when she walked the streets
People were having fits
But her husband still thought it was awesome!