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Sign Up for this Book Tour: Apart at the Seams by Melissa Ford

Melissa Ford's third novelShe had Mr. Right all sewn up . . . until Mr. Wonderful came along.

That’s the teaser line for Melissa Ford’s latest novel, Apart at the Seams. Though it’s the third in a series, Melissa calls it a “sideways sequel.” Which means that if you’ve read Life from Scratch and/or Measure of Love, you’ll be primed for the viewpoint of  Rachel’s best friend, Arianna. And if you HAVEN’T read these other novels, you will enjoy getting to know Arianna for the first time — without missing anything.

I invite you to participate in a Virtual Book Tour.

It’s easy and it’s fun (and it’s how I started blogging).

  1. Sign up today.
  2. Get and read the book.
  3. Discuss it in September with other readers.

The book is available via Amazon in paperback ($13), Kindle ($7) and at various other booksellers. I’ll provide the forum here; you just need to provide your own coffee and danishes (or wine and Cheetos, if you’re so inclined).

The Author, Melissa Ford

Novelist Melissa FordYou may recognize Melissa from her long-running and popular blog Stirrup Queens. Melissa’s first book is the nonfiction Navigating the Land of IF, a guide through the various neighborhoods of infertility. Melissa is section editor for BlogHer for Blogging & Social Media and for Health. She’s a baker, a wife, a Nationals superfan, a mother to twins, and my friend.

As a special treat, Melissa will participate in this book tour by responding to reader questions. So if you think of any while you’re reading the book, capture that thought.

How does a Virtual Book Tour work?

  • August 1: Last day to sign up for the tour. You’ll find the “Book Tour Signup” form below.
  • Read the book between now and mid-August. Reserve it from your library or purchase from your favorite bookseller.
  • August 15: Come up with up 1 or 2 discussion questions to ask of other participants (not Yes-or-No). A question for the author is optional.
  • Shortly thereafter, you’ll receive a list of questions from other participants. From this list you will choose any 3 to answer on your blog. If you don’t have a blog, one will be provided for you.
  • September 4: posts go up! Links to participant stops on the book tour will be posted here on so you can read, comment and discuss with each other — just like a face-to-face book club, but with less coffee cake and more keystrokes.
  • Please follow this blog and spread the word to interested parties (tweet, share, G+ with the buttons at the bottom of this post).

I am rapidly closing in on the end of Apart at the Seams and am eager to discuss it with you. So fill out this form ↑ .

Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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