Now that I’ve written for a whole year (today is my blogoversary and this is my 222nd post), I notice I have begun to reference myself. A lot. In my last post — actually my sister Tami’s post — I linked to previous topics of mine 8 times. Such self-referencing takes navel-gazing to a whole new level, doesn’t it?
Speaking of Tami’s post. Please go over and comment as you did on Sheri’s guest post. Tami has spent her whole life coming last. She knows that lastin sequence doesn’t mean last in significance, but show her some love anyway (there I go again. And again. And again.).
I’m not mentioning the Hallmark-ness of this day. Instead, I am dedicating this postlet to Pamela Jeanne and LoriBeth, and am co-christening today “If-I-had-my-druthers” Day” (or Druthers Day for short).
Pamela Jeanne and LoriBeth, I honor the unique and pervasive loss you and others experience on this day.
Joanne, I hold you and the motherless daughters you represent in my heart on this, your first motherless Mother’s Day.
And for anyone else who greets this day with maternal longing in your heart…
Sending you all big love.
Stirrup (and Blogroll) Queen Melissa has organized yet another way to make the blogosphere a better place, and she invites us all to participate. It’s NaComLeavMo, National Comment Leaving Month. Sign up now, and from May 25 through June 25, and commit to leaving at least 5 comments every day (or averaging it out) and responding to at least 1 of your comments.
Comment inside the IF community. Comment in other communities you frequent. Cross comment and get to know new people. A blog is not required for you to participate.
If you do have a blog, you can get the code here for your sidebar. Make sure you sign up by midnight on May 24 (EDT). At this writing, there are 124 participants! See Mel’s post for more detailed instructions.
Reed (5) has informed me that he has a nickname. And that I should call him by it.
“Sure,” I say. “What is it?”
“Skateboard Awesome Dude, Rockin’ Chancin’,” he replies, adding, “but not G’fancin’. That makes it too long.”
(He has no skateboard. He’s never been on a skateboard. But he is an awesome dude who rocks. No clue about the chancin’ or the g’fancin’.)
Maybe we need to explain better the concept of “nick.”
(“A nickname …[is] usually used to make names shorter and thus easier to say.”)
I’m gearing up for another round of Lori’s Childhood Trivia. Stay tuned.
22 Responses
Thanks, sweetie. I so appreciate your thoughts. Makes a tough day like today sting a little less.>>Happy blogoversary. The blogosphere is a richer place because you’re in it!
Happy blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary! And thank you for the very kind dedication. I think I’m going to go change all of the calendars in the house to read “Drothers Day” now, lol.
Happy blogoversary to one one of the coolest mom’s I know!
Happy Blogoversary. 🙂
we sniffed over to wish you a Happee Blogovesary!>>waggin TX tails barking loud
Thanks, sweetie. I so appreciate your thoughts. Makes a tough day like today sting a little less.>>Happy blogoversary. The blogosphere is a richer place because you’re in it!
Happy blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary! And thank you for the very kind dedication. I think I’m going to go change all of the calendars in the house to read “Drothers Day” now, lol.
Happy blogoversary to one one of the coolest mom’s I know!
Happy Blogoversary. 🙂
we sniffed over to wish you a Happee Blogovesary!>>waggin TX tails barking loud
Happy blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary to you! 222 posts! How prolific of you my dear 🙂
Happy blogoversary!
Happy blogoversary to you! 222 posts! How prolific of you my dear 🙂
Happy blogoversary. I see nothing long or wrong about that nick name 🙂
Happy blogiversary – navel-gaze away, I do:-)
Happy blogoversary. I see nothing long or wrong about that nick name 🙂
Happy blogiversary – navel-gaze away, I do:-)
The mom of Skateboard Awesome Dude Rockin’ Chancin’ says thanks to everyone.
The mom of Skateboard Awesome Dude Rockin’ Chancin’ says thanks to everyone.