I took Tessa to my party’s caucus last night, and Roger took Reed to his.
Roger and I were each elected as delegates and will attend our respective assemblies at the county, state and congressional district levels.
My caucus meeting was attended by nearly 30 people (as compared with 2 in 2004). I was one of several to vote for Dr. Ron Paul, a former flight surgeon in the Air Force and OB/GYN who supports, as I do, limited constitutional government, low taxes, putting doctors and patients back in charge of health care decisions, and who is opposed to unnecessary violations of our privacy like the Patriot Act.
Our house is now officially the Colorado version of Matalin/Carville — but with better hair. Roger and I tussle over various issues on occasion, but we respectfully coexist, keeping each others’ views from becoming too myopic.
Fun times are a-coming. This is the first time in my voting life that I feel there is both a wide-open race and fascinating choices.
24 Responses
That is SO cool that you are a delegate. How did you get to be one?>>Loved the Matalin/Carville reference (and hysterical photo).>>We have a similar situation in our house with Cowboy being, well, his name is “cowboy” so just take a guess as to his side of the fence whilst I can’t wait to bust out my “2 more chicks for Obama” mat t-shirt. Actually, I don’t have one yet, but I am going to make one.
Niobe — yes, but at the county and state levels — not the national.>>At least I’m not planning on it.
Alison, thanks for asking. This issue is a tough one, and I haven’t reconciled my own views with Dr Paul’s on reproductive rights.>>However, whether reproductive rights should be in the federal or state realm isn’t one of my make-or-break issues. I can so clearly see both sides and the absurdity of both extremes, that I do not have abortion as one of my top issues in choosing a candidate.
How totally cool to be a delegate. So, this means you get to go to the convention and vote and everything?
Dr.Paul is against a woman’s right to make decisions about her own own body. In reading your blog I have always gotten the feeling that you respect the act of free choice and women’s rights. Is this not so?>>Respectfully, >Alison from Sacramento
Hubby is all for Ron Paul, I’m for Obama but we so far have managed to avoid the Carville/Matlin issue (and he’s not even bald!). Congrats on being elected a delegate- that sounds really cool!
You are the only IRL delegate I have ever met. Wow.>>As a Canadian, I am watching this election with utter fascination. >>I may just see if I can get my US citizenship by November!
Totally cracked up at the Matalin/Carville image 🙂
That is SO cool that you are a delegate. How did you get to be one?>>Loved the Matalin/Carville reference (and hysterical photo).>>We have a similar situation in our house with Cowboy being, well, his name is “cowboy” so just take a guess as to his side of the fence whilst I can’t wait to bust out my “2 more chicks for Obama” mat t-shirt. Actually, I don’t have one yet, but I am going to make one.
Niobe — yes, but at the county and state levels — not the national.>>At least I’m not planning on it.
Alison, thanks for asking. This issue is a tough one, and I haven’t reconciled my own views with Dr Paul’s on reproductive rights.>>However, whether reproductive rights should be in the federal or state realm isn’t one of my make-or-break issues. I can so clearly see both sides and the absurdity of both extremes, that I do not have abortion as one of my top issues in choosing a candidate.
How totally cool to be a delegate. So, this means you get to go to the convention and vote and everything?
Dr.Paul is against a woman’s right to make decisions about her own own body. In reading your blog I have always gotten the feeling that you respect the act of free choice and women’s rights. Is this not so?>>Respectfully, >Alison from Sacramento
Hubby is all for Ron Paul, I’m for Obama but we so far have managed to avoid the Carville/Matlin issue (and he’s not even bald!). Congrats on being elected a delegate- that sounds really cool!
You are the only IRL delegate I have ever met. Wow.>>As a Canadian, I am watching this election with utter fascination. >>I may just see if I can get my US citizenship by November!
Totally cracked up at the Matalin/Carville image 🙂
I love Matalin and Carville. I am beyond impressed that you’re a delegate!! And so jealous. We don’t even have our primary until May. I’m going nuts waiting and watching MSNBC 24/7. >We are political junkies at my house so we do have a tussle or two over politics. Makes things interesting, right? 🙂
I agree. This is certainly the most exciting, promising presidential race of my voting life. B and I often disagree about politics. Makes life interesting.
I love Matalin and Carville. I am beyond impressed that you’re a delegate!! And so jealous. We don’t even have our primary until May. I’m going nuts waiting and watching MSNBC 24/7. >We are political junkies at my house so we do have a tussle or two over politics. Makes things interesting, right? 🙂
I agree. This is certainly the most exciting, promising presidential race of my voting life. B and I often disagree about politics. Makes life interesting.
He’s quite fired up by Obama. Maybe has a little man-crush.
What, you’re not going to tell us who your husband voted for??
He’s quite fired up by Obama. Maybe has a little man-crush.
What, you’re not going to tell us who your husband voted for??