As you can see, this space has a new look. And a new URL.
And not for the first time. We’ve seen this episode before, and the re-run is just in time for…Time Warp Tuesday!
We’re revisiting posts about change for Time Warp Tuesday, the monthly blog hop offered by Kathy at Bereaved and Blessed. Perhaps you’ve written about change before — why don’t you participate in the blog carnival, too?
Kathy says:
The new year is a time for new beginnings and change. Choose a post from your archives in which you wrote about change. Maybe you wrote about a change that you chose to make or one that happened without warning or intention. Then write a new post about why you chose that post and what has happened in your life since.
When I started documenting our infertility journey in 2005, I did a bit of inner wordplay and sought a name that had the sound “blog” in it. I toyed with the word wobble, which morphed to wobblog. to which I then threw ahead of it the word weebles for the moniker Weebles Wobblog. I liked the alliteration, as well as the image of resilience — something that was able to right itself if it were batted around.
All was well and good for three seasons, and then there were complications (<==this is the TimeWarp part of the post) in the form of a Cease & Desist order.
I wobbled but I didn’t fall down. In November of 2010 I retitled this show WriteMindOpenHeart. I explained:
As for the first facet, I just finished a writing project and am about to release it to its destiny, whatever that may be. As for the second, I will continue to open my heart to being vulnerable, authentic and engaged with those around me. The yin and yang theme — finding balance between the head and the heart, the analytical and the intuitive, between the masculine (doing) and the feminine (being) energies, of walking the path of moderation between extremes — the yin and yang theme continues.
I never really fell in love with that incarnation. Turns out that (1) it was too long, and (2) it was tricky to spell and explain verbally.
The aforementioned writing project is what put a timeline on finding yet another new name and moving my content to new digs. Since that first move, the project found an agent and a publisher and then I actually wrote the book. Two years after that post, this most recent Thanksgiving, I spent several days on my final final edit of the manuscript. I decided at that time that the book needed to have my blog’s forever name in it.
So I chose my Appalachian Trail name . I still got the alliteration. I worked in my favorite color and the word light (in Spanish). Yes, I will still need to explain to people that “lavender” is -er and not -ar, and that “luz” is pronounced with a long u. But I feel more kinship with my new name than I did with the last one.
By the way, did you know that to give birth in Spanish is dar a luz — to give light? I love that.
Click over to Time Warp Tuesday to read more posts about change, and maybe even add your own (even if it’s no longer Tuesday).
22 Responses
I think it’s important to love your space, and all facets of your space, so congratulations on the change. We’re all rolling with you.
wow, it’s so beautiful and peaceful. I love the lavendar, love that color that ALWAYS (forever) reminds me of you.
Change is a good thing, isn’t it? Sometimes it’s just what we need.
and I love it here. Always have, always will.
I love the new name and the new digs, but I especially love the history that brought you here today.
Like the new name and look. That does explain why a bunch of older posts popped up in my reader several days ago. Change is great and all that got you to this point.
I LOVE this! And I didn’t even realize the Spanish translation … so, so fitting for the light that you are. 😉 Congratulations on the new name and the beautiful new space!
“dar a luz” — I love it.
I like the new name! And I love the “to give birth = to give light” bit of info. Lovely!
I got choked up reading this… I am honored that this month’s Time Warp theme fits into this announcement about your new blog name and space. As you know, though I didn’t realize I had not shared it with you sooner, I LOVED the name Write Mind Open Heart, it may be in part because that is who you were when we became friends. But, I totally get all of the reasons you decided to change your blog name and URL again, especially in preparation for launching your book.
I can’t believe you are only two months away for being a published author! That is so unbelievably awesome! Being one of your self-proclaimed biggest fans and cheerleaders, you know how happy all of this makes me. I know how hard you have worked and how much you have been through to get where you are today with your family, your writing and your service as an open-adoption advocate. You have touched so many lives and hearts through all the various incarnations of your blog and when your book is released I can only imagine how many more you will help and open.
Thank you, as always, for being such a loyal supporter of Time Warp Tuesdays and friend. I look forward to seeing where this latest “change” in your life takes you. xoxo
P.S. I did not know what “dar a luz” meant and that is so beautiful.
I love the new look!! Absolutely amazing and completely you. Though Write Mind Open Heart will always have a special place in my heart, I believe that each phase of our lives requires change to grow and embrace happiness. It’s all in the journey, right?
Can’t wait for your new book to be released!!
I love this walk through history! And I feel privileged to have been there for most (all?) of it! I love the new look…
I love this story and relate to the naming issue. I am working on finding a new home and it will require a new name. I like the idea of it needing to be a name that will fit what I write and anything I might write. Loved reading how your journey began because that is where I am, the beginning, knowing less than squat about blogging. So cool to know the road you traveled to get to this point. I truly admire all that you have done.
p.s. I always like alliteration to:)
Welcome home! I like what you’ve done with the place.
love it! congrats.
Since I am new here, I don’t notice the change, but I love the layout and design. It is sharp and clean at the same time… Congrats on the book! I am so happy for you… what a dream come true. I wrote a humorous memoir. I finished it last spring. Hired an editor to help me clean it up and sent out a ton of queries on Monday – and keep watching the rejections come in…. I love to hear a happy ending like yours! congrats again!
Yay for change. My blog is due for one, but, frankly, I don’t have the time to conceive of it. Hoping something comes to me…all the changes to others’ blogs have inspired me.
Love the new name/space…and love the hidden meaning in the name. Congrats.
Love it! Perfectly you.
Love the changes — looks fantastic! 😀 And I love “dar a luz” (I didn’t know that and I am half Colombian). AND, my son’s name means “bringer of light.” 🙂
Loving the “dar a luz” translation. Never knew that before!
I love it! I love the new look, the Spanish translation, the clever title of this post…all of it!
Congrats on the new look!!