I drank wine this month.
Which is not news. I tend to have a glass of wine each evening. It’s as much a treasured daily ritual as my morning cup of coffee is.
The news is who I drank wine with (or maybe the shorter list would be who I didn’t drink wine with). In October, I got to drink wine with far-flung friends in Seattle, Portland, Eugene, San Francisco, and right here at home.
I was a girl who struggled with friendships back when I was my daughter’s age. I was shy, bookish, and I played in the band (not a cool kind of band but a 5th grade concert band — think Target commercial cacophony). I liked getting grounded on the rare occasions I misbehaved because it meant that instead of playing outside with other kids, I could be inside reading the “L” edition of the World Book encyclopedia (it was a relatively skinny one, unlike the massive “M”).
But you know that line from The Sound of Music, in which Maria and the Captain sing to each other in the gazebo? They mention their wicked, miserable pasts but conclude that
Somewhere in my youth or childhood | I must have done something good.
Somehow in the intervening years I have become rich in friends. I mean really, really great people kinda friends. Folks who are good-hearted, smart as whips, and generous in so many ways.
Close friends contribute to our personal growth. They also contribute to our personal pleasure, making the music sound sweeter, the wine taste richer, the laughter ring louder because they are there. — Judith Viorst
Monika,* Heather* and Lucy* opened their homes (and beverages) to me during my Pacific Northwest speaking tour early in the month. Esperanza, Jessica and Luna* shared the grape with me in the San Francisco area when I spoke at Adoption Connection mid-month. I also got to see (and toast) my cousins Debora and Marjan along the way.
After my trips I got to enjoy camaraderie and Cabernet with my hometown Vino Support Group.*
So each time I toasted and sipped with friends here and there, friends near and far, I counted my blessings. My cup — and my heart — runneth over.
(Metaphorically speaking. Don’t wanna waste good wine by actually spilling.)
* A Carol Burnett-type tug on the ear aimed at Nick, Todd & Eddie-Mari-Trey, Al, Mac & J-Z, and Maggie.
Throwing in a few of images of this month’s perfect moments.
A happy moment will seed ten thousand more. — Notes from the Universe.
Which explains why it’s in my interest (and yours) to notice perfect moments.
Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.
On the last Monday of each month we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join.
To participate in Perfect Moment Monday:
- Follow LavenderLuz.com.
- Write up your own Perfect Moment and post it on your blog (or other site).
- Use LinkyTools below to enter your name (or blog name), the URL of your Perfect Moment post, and a thumbnail image if desired.
- Visit the Perfect Moments of others and let the writers know you were there with some comment currency.
With your Perfect Moment post , you may place this button on your blog (in the post, on the sidebar, or both).What Perfect Moment have you recently been aware of?
15 Responses
There’s a reason why drinking wine and breaking bread go together. You broke bread, you shared yourself, you made friends. Pretty great trip for a dorky band girl!!! Cheers!
It’s great to have wonderful friends you can drink and have perfect moments with. I used to be more introverted when I was young too, and my parents always had to drag me out of my books and to their friends’ houses to play with their kids. Now that I’m older, I have made a lot more friends, and I truly appreciate their presence in my life.
It’s so hard for me to picture you as the girl who struggled with friendships (as did I – I was beyond shy, and still am in so many ways). When I met you, you were so brilliant and uber-confident. Guess that’s one more reason to why we’re all living perfect moments, every day. We rarely know that we have, until we have. And do…
Awesome! Glad you had so many perfect moments this month seeing family and friends, as you traveled about sharing your wisdom related to open adoption. Cheers!
so many perfect moments with you in our sweet yet too short time together!
I was SO happy to share those with you and hope for more in the not too distant future.
(andthat bottle on the table was to take home! for even more perfectly lovely sips, er moments) xo
oh and love the pics!
I was thinking of you this morning when I heard a story about re-wiring the brain for happiness: https://whyy.org/cms/voicesinthefamily/happiness-the-brain-science/ … it’s basically an injunction to honor your Perfect Moments. 🙂
So glad that you got to be with people who love and honor you!
Better late than never, I say, and all the richer for the wait.
Love this! And love that I got to spend some of that time and wine with you 🙂
Thanks for the smile, as usual, Lori. 🙂
Gratitude is a great source of peace & happiness.
I love the ritual of enjoying a glass of wine while I’m making dinner. I do enjoy it more when my neighbor and I share whatever we have in the collective ‘fridges…..a bit of this and that cheers!
Sounds like a great time but…. I would have totally shared some wine with you and since I don’t drink it is your company I would have loved to share while you were in Portland! Next time.
Such a nice post and good tribute to friends, they really help because they make us laugh!
So glad you got to share all these connections with friends near and far. Good friends make such a difference on our path.