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Perfect Moment Monday: Nia grrlz

I was a slug for most of my life. It’s only in the last 5 years that I’ve begun moving my body, practicing yoga, going to the gym, trying new activities. What kept me from doing more? Besides general laziness, I suffered from a horrible case of self-consciousness from a very young age.

One of the best things about being my my 40s is that I care less what other people think. For one thing, I am no longer so self- absorbed to think that all eyes at the gym are on ME. For another, I gradually have  begun to value my own opinions over those of others, especially strangers.

This has opened up new worlds for me. Since this time last year, I’ve taken up Turbo-Kickboxing, Zumba, HipHop dancing and my latest find, Nia.

Nia stands for both Non-Impact Aerobics and Neuromuscular-Integrative Action. I enjoy it because it’s expansive and flowing and it’s done to world music. It’s a fusion of thee each of the dance arts (jazz, modern, Duncan), the healing arts (Yoga, Feldenkrais and Alexander movement techniques) and the martial arts (Tae Kwan Do, Tai Chi, and Aikido).

Here’s a video of a studio in NYC, in case you’d like to see Nia in action.

Most appealing for me is that Nia is much less about doing it right than about simply moving your body joyously. I do feel happy in my body after taking a class.

Which I now do weekly.

Last week I got something even better than a Nia class. I got a Nia class with sisters! Both Sheri and Tami Nia-ed with me. I was euphoric to see in the mirror my two athletic sisters and me with them, three graces.

Perfect moment in triplicate.


Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.

Once a week we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join.

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Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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29 Responses

  1. I’ve never heard of Nia but would love to check it out. Last year I excercised every day. This year I am back to being a couch potato. I admit that I hate hate hate it! My fibromyalgia hated hated hated my exercising and I pain for it with a 5 month long flare up where I was mostly bedridden. So, finding a balance is key for me. Well, actually, right now the key for me is getting up off the couch.

    Love taking part in PMM each week. Now I”m off to read the other entries. I just posted mine.

    Happy day!


    1. It took me a loooong time to find an activity that I would get off the couch for. I hope yours comes to you soon, and that it brings you balance and fibro relief. So glad you’re participating in PMMs!

  2. that’s awesome….it sounds and looks amazing. I too, have Fibro a little goes a long way for my excerise routine…

    as always, your perfect moments..are indeed. 🙂

  3. I absolutely LOVED our time together over Thanksgiving…in Nia, and in yoga (three times), and eating lots of holiday food, and looking at the lights, enjoying coffee and breakfast together, hanging out with the kids at the APEX Center, and did I mention eating a lot?

    Every time I am in Denver with my family, it is a series of Perfect Moments!

    P.S. I missed Nia-ing (and all of our other activities) with you this weekend, but reading about it was a Perfect Moment (re-lived).

  4. Before I started going to the gym in college I had thought everyone was watching me too – then you realize, no, absolutely nobody is paying any attention. And I’ve never heard of those exercises, they sound awesome!

  5. I always hear of these new things first from you, and then I’ll start noticing other people talking about them, etc. This is my first time hearing about Nia. Deeply interested, though I seem to only be able to exercise at home. Though having met 2 of 3 sisters, I could definitely visualize the three graces.

  6. How fun! I have never done Nia, but it was pretty popular when I lived in Boulder (of course!). I have also recently started to move again. I have been taking a Kettlebell class and it feels great (most of the time!) to move. But, you’ve inspired me to keep it up.

  7. I’m SO glad you’ve found out about Nia! I started taking it over the summer and had a blast – even went to a few “Nia Jams”! I like the structure AND the freedom it includes. What’s next?

  8. Hi Nia pal! I love that class … And really love Nia with friends.
    The three graces by Botticelli are even more beautiful in person. My perfect moment was in Florence with my mom this thanksgiving … In front of the original…Primavera… At the Uffizi Gallery.. On what will be my mom’s last trip. Grace is having had the privilidge of being my mom’s daughter. My mom is truly one of God’s finest creations…. A Masterpiece.

    1. I am so glad we do Nia together. And that you got to go to Florence with your wonderful mom. I know you are hurting now, but still you find the grace and beauty.

      I’ve got a big ole hug for the next time I see you. And maybe a glass of Cabernet.

      XO, my friend.

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