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Perfect Moment Monday: Bright sunshiny night

I never thought I’d have a perfect moment thanks to a surface cleaner, but this week SC Johnson made one happen. And I get to pass the sunshine on to one of you.

With the theme of “Brighten Your Day / Create a Little Sunshine,” two lovely ladies from Windex gathered together a bunch of Mile High Mamas for a night of pottery painting.

You know how I love pottery painting.

And you know how I love hanging out with my Mile High Mama friends.

The dozen of us were served a yummy dinner and then we were set free in the local pottery shop to get creative.

Roger had asked me to paint a bowl for him to keep at his office so he could eat oatmeal and soup from it (not together).

So here I am concentrating on his comfort bowl, wondering if I’ll be able to finish the third coat of color before the studio closes and all my friends are tucked into bed.

The painting time was filled with face-to-face blogger contact. I learned about Mid-Century Style, when Green isn’t green, the perils of Body Pump, and the perils of having 5 kids home for 5 weeks. Sitting with these funny and smart women was, in a word, delightful.

By the time I got home, my husband and the kids were already asleep and I had NOTHING TO DO!

It was a fantastic finish to a perfect evening.

Images: Crunchy Green Mom


Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.

Once a week we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join.

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Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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12 Responses

  1. Two questions: How’s the bowl and is he eating soup out of it? And did you get some cool new Windex gear? … I guess that’s three questions.

  2. I loved the pottery place, the people there, and of course, the amazing company. It was my first time but I hope not the last. It helped. Like I said in my PMM, it has been a rough patch so the pottery event and this weekend helped. Let’s do it again soon!

  3. that was a PERFECT night and from the looks of that bowl, I want one too 🙂

    Glad you had such a good time with women who opened up your world, heart and smile.

  4. About once a month, I try to host a girls’ night, where I invite a handful of my closest friends over to simply relax, talk, and enjoy each others company.

    In our high-tech world there are a great number of opportunities for Perfect Moments online, via text, Facebooking, email, etc… BUT sometimes the best Perfect moments happen face-to-face. Your pottery gathering sounds like one of those times. AND you combined your virtual friends with a face-to-face gathering.

    In a word, it sounds PERFECT. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  5. Painting pottery is so fun. I went with some girlfriends while Ike was gone.

    There’s something so wonderful about taking a completely blank object and making it your own. I can’t wait to see how it turned out!

  6. I loved your bowl, Lori, and it was a perfectly relaxing and fun evening. My perfectly funny moment of the night was realizing that I had intended to make something for my family, but actually made a plate just for me. Hmmmm…guess mama needed a little pampering too. 🙂

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