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springtime in the rockies tulip

Springtime in the Rockies

It’s been a particularly gorgeous spring here in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. We’ve had milder temperatures and more moisture than in previous years.

Dexter and I walk almost every day. Here are some of photos I’ve taken #onmywalk over the last nine weeks. With a bonus pic of Dex on the deck.


Cheery, oh! #daffodils #flowers #onmywalk #spring

A photo posted by Lori Lavender Luz (@lavluz) on


From last week’s snow. #onmywalk #flowers #tulips #grapehyacinth #snow #cowx #latergram

A photo posted by Lori Lavender Luz (@lavluz) on


Four Sisters #onmywalk #trees #treeporn #blossoms #spring #spring time #springtimeinther oldies #flowers #denverado

A photo posted by Lori Lavender Luz (@lavluz) on


Man, Mother Nature is talented! #onmywalk #nofilter #mothernaturerocks #spring #flower #flowerporn #tulip #red

A photo posted by Lori Lavender Luz (@lavluz) on


Purty. #onmywalk #grapehyacinth #green #purple #flowers #spring #denverado #springtimeintherockies

A photo posted by Lori Lavender Luz (@lavluz) on


Moonrise #moon #spring #dusk #tablemountain #goldenco #goldencolorado #moonrise #luna #lunagram

A photo posted by Lori Lavender Luz (@lavluz) on


Horizon. #onmywalk #green #mothernaturerocks #spring #denverado #dandelions #farmhouse #horizon

A photo posted by Lori Lavender Luz (@lavluz) on

How is the season in your neck of the woods?

(I’d love for you to visit me on Instagram.)


This post is part of #MicroblogMondays? Whazzat? A post that’s not too long. Head to Stirrup Queens to join the fun.

Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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10 Responses

  1. Hey , that’s an interesting format for this post!
    I Love Microblogmondays.. they are so liberating . Looks like so are your walks 🙂

  2. Gorgeous photos. I’m beginning to think I might need to join Instagram.

    Autumn is turning to winter here. The last week has required the occasional winter coat and scarf to be worn. But I did see some lovely autumn colours on the weekend.

  3. Oh, beautiful! I love the tulips and grape hyacinths in the snow. We haven’t had the moisture, but we’ve had really cool temperatures up until this week, and so our flowering trees are sticking around a lot longer and brighter than usual. It’s lovely! Those four sisters are simply gorgeous.

  4. Love your IG. Spring here has been typical New England-style – cold one minute, hot the next. The phrase, “Go home, Mother Nature – you’re drunk” applies year round. 😀

  5. Well, we had our first non-rain day in 4 weeks!

    You are so lucky that you have such a cute companion for your walks.

  6. Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing these lovely sights of spring. It makes me miss you (and Dex — my running buddy) even more.

  7. So beautiful! I kept watching the news reports and it seemed to be non-stop unseasonal snowstorms for so long, that after a while, I conveniently forgot to ask you how the weather was. I felt bad that you might feel compelled to answer.

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