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Perfect Moment Monday: Fit

Roger and I celebrated our wedding anniversary this week.

We’ve covered a lot of ground in the 15 years since this photo was taken. On that pristine day, when our history together was clear as my dress, who could have known the the joys and heartaches, the moves and the stability, the births and deaths, the trials and triumphs — all the richness that awaited us as our story unfolds?

As if that isn’t perfect enough…


(Well, it buttons, anyway.)


Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.

Once a week we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join. Details on how to participate are at the bottom of this post, complete with bloggy bling.


To participate in Perfect Moment Monday:

  1. Between Sunday night and Tuesday night, write up your own Perfect Moment in a blog post, on Twitter, on Facebook, or simply leave a comment below.
  2. Grab the URL of your Perfect Moment.
  3. Use LinkyTools below to enter your blog’s name and the URL of your Perfect Moment
  4. Visit the Perfect Moments of others (from the links below), and let the writers know you were there.

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What Perfect Moment have you recently been aware of? Be sure to visit these moments and share the love, and please come back next week (click to subscribe).

Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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33 Responses

  1. Yeah, and you didn’t swaggah then, did you?!

    It’s been amazing to watch you and your family grow together. You’ve been my role model since I was born. I’m so lucky to have you. Both of you!

    Happy 15 years.

  2. You know, I was thinking how sweet and wonderful and then I read that last line……I CAN STILL FIT INTO MY WEDDING DRESS!. It’s a good thing I like you so much ’cause that is enough to make me turn green with envy.

    Happy Anniversary and what a truly perfect moment.

  3. happy anniversary 🙂

    (and thank you for reminding me that I still need to get my wedding dress cleaned and stored…eight years later.)

  4. Happy Anniversary!!! Congratulations on 15 years together – I hope you have many, many more!

    Congrats also on fitting into your wedding dress! That is a perfect moment…

  5. Happiest Anniversary! Here is to 15 years of wedded bliss and to 15 more! (And to 15 more after that, and then another 15 for good measure!)

    And WOOHOO on still fitting in that dress! That is as impressive as making it to the 15 year mark!

  6. Pingback: Lori
  7. Pingback: Lori
  8. Happy Anniversary! i just love that picture. So sweet! And I’m super jealous you can still fit into your wedding dress. hee hee.

    Congrats on 15 years togetyer!

  9. Congratulations (on the awesome anniversary and dress fitting). Mine “shrank” .. tragic..

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again.. that Robger is one HOT tamale!

    Here’s to many many more happy years to come!! 🙂

  10. You are insane to try that thing on, cuz what if it hadn’t been a perfect moment? Amazing after 15 years it was a perfect moment, and woohoo for you cuz holy!!!!!, but still, you are insane my friend. In the good ways:-)

  11. Perfect! Here is to many, many more years together filled with love and experiences (of primarily the good kind).


  12. Wow! I think Tami’s comment is a perfect moment too. How wonderful is that?

    Happy Anniversary and keep enjoying the journey

  13. Pingback: Amber Johnson
  14. Pingback: Lori
  15. Maybe there is a term called, “Circular Role Modeling,” to define you and Tami both looking up to each other. It’s like an Escher painting. You don’t know if the staircase goes up or down. 🙂

    Great photo…and I’m NOT surprised that you can still fit into your wedding dress. 🙂

    Happy Anniversary to you and Roger. Perfect!!!

  16. happy happy anniversary! hooray for 15 (ours is next year).
    love the photo!
    can’t believe you still fit into the dress. you are fabulous.

  17. You looked STUNNING!!!!!!

    I loved this post, what a beautiful way to celebrate an anniversary, still happy, still in love…still!!!!

  18. Congratulations. 15 years is awesome. I know you assess your life together in so many different ways, but, still, 15 years is awesome.

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