I don’t know which is the cause and which is the effect, but I am having a few, uh, issues, and did not notice a perfect moment this month.
But I am hoping that you have. Please leave your link and maybe it will uplift we who are perfect-momentless.
Ironic for the month we celebrate Thanksgiving, eh?
Image courtesy Tina Phillips / FreeDigitalPhotos.net
A happy moment will seed ten thousand more. — Notes from the Universe.
Which explains why it’s in my interest (and yours) to notice perfect moments.
Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.
On the last Monday of each month we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join.
To participate in Perfect Moment Monday:
- Follow LavenderLuz.com.
- Write up your own Perfect Moment and post it on your blog (or other site).
- Use LinkyTools below to enter your name (or blog name), the URL of your Perfect Moment post, and a thumbnail image if desired.
- Visit the Perfect Moments of others and let the writers know you were there with some comment currency.
With your Perfect Moment post , you may place this button on your blog (in the post, on the sidebar, or both).What Perfect Moment have you recently been aware of?
18 Responses
Slow down there, Lil’ Missy. Glad you still open up the blog so we can share our Perfect Moments. I’m posting two from Perfect Moment Project this month – one written by me and one by Sue. Sue’s is very special. She’s recognizing that she’s losing her Mom to Alzheimer’s and trying to retain some perfect moments before they go too quickly.
Also, I didn’t see that you’d posted my Seeking Wisdom through Linky Tools before I added it under LOVE old people. Feel free to delete one.
Have a nice Thanksgiving, Lori. I’m sure it will be full of nice, if not, perfect moments.
I’m planning to live perfectly vicariously through you and the others who link up. Sneaky!
Off to read Sue’s. So glad we share these moments together. <3
I’m sorry, Lori!
Mine came thanks to National Adoption Day. Wrote a blog that brought back so many wonderful memories & really seemed to touch people. I’ve never had a blog posting shared like this one!
I’m sorry you’re struggling to see the perfect moments right now. I hope next month is much, much better.
What started out as an embarrassment became a perfect moment! A few weeks ago, I found the “other messages” folder in my Facebook account. OOPS! I had twenty or so messages to which I’d never replied. I was mortified. In many of the messages, waiting adoptive mothers had taken me up on my offer to email them a .pdf copy of The Eye of Adoption. I apologetically replied to each and every one and said something like, “I hope the adoption wait is going well for you.” The perfect moment occurred when I opened up my Facebook messages folder to read one woman’s reply. As soon as I clicked on her message, up popped a beautiful pink baby girl with a wide smile and the message, “Our wait is over!”
Awww….how happy those families must be now!
Thanks for the reminder to check my own Other folder.
((hugs)) I hope it gets better.
Hi Lori! It’s Alicia from queenoftheslipstream … sorry to read that this month was a tricky one … here’s hoping that December will have many perfect moments. 🙂
Thank you Valerie, Esperanza, GeoChick and Constant 🙂
Thank you for encouraging me to post this entry here. In sum, after 10 years battling infertility while trying to create and complete our family, as you so perfectly said, the gap between what I want and what I have is nil. Daily, I notice the perfection of the life I envisioned as it unfolds before me embodied in my two sons and our family of four.
Perfect. Truly.
Absolutely! So glad you could join in on the #adoptionbookchat Saturday.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I’m really loving reading everyone’s perfect moments here in the comments! Thanks for sharing. And I agree with Robin, Lori, do slow down and thanks for opening up the blog for us! =)
A recent perfect moment: with 3 middle school boys in my car, my son being one of them, we are in the midst of a 30-minute drive to bring one of them home after a raucous b-day party that had me wishing for a flask. As they giggle and talk trash about fellow schoolmates – because make no mistake, boys can be just as catty as girls – they suddenly break into harmonious tune singing ‘Bridge Over Troubled Water.’ For 30 perfect seconds I am the privileged and solitary audience to a brief choirboy recital.
And then they lose it in a fit of laughter by singing deliberately off-key, affecting comedic voices, and resume their clowning around.
I continue smiling, and would have driven miles and miles to keep hearing those voices.
I’m clearly having issues of my own … and realized last night that I am expecting TOO much perfection of myself, yet again, and still. Sometimes the imperfect may be more perfect than I realize.
Sending love. And moments of stillness. *hug*
There are still a few moments left for a Perfect Moment to sneak in. It may have been there already, but sort of hidden like Where is Waldo; there in plain sight but not catching it yet.
Sorry to hear you are having issues. I linked up with a sort-of-perfect moment, I hope that’s okay! Happy belated Thanksgiving, friend!!