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Perfect Moment Monday returns September 25

After a summer hiatus, Perfect Moment Monday is set to return in two weeks, September 25.

With a twist.

Rather than being a weekly meme, which began to feel like a chore to me (the antithesis of its purpose, which is to be mindful and present with what is), Perfect Moment Mondays will now take place on the 4th Monday of the month. This will usually coincide with ICLW (International Comment Leaving Week), which will make remembering easy for those of you who participate in the monthly commentathon.

The kick-off post goes up here at 8 pm on Sunday evening before the 4th Monday of the month and will have a place for you to leave your link and an image from your blog (it’s easy!). As a refresher, you can check out this post to see how Linky Tools joins all participants together.

Please help me spread the word as September 25 comes closer, that bloggers can once again document their moments that are made perfect just by the noticing.

Below is the revised meme. I’m so excited to read your perfect moments again!


Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.

On the 4th Monday of each month we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join.

To participate in Perfect Moment Monday:

  1. Follow Write Mind Open Heart.
  2. Between the Sunday night before and the Sunday night after, write up your own Perfect Moment.
  3. Use LinkyTools below to enter your name (or your site/blog name) and the URL of your Perfect Moment.
  4. Visit the Perfect Moments of others and let the writers know you were there with some comment currency.

Once you make a Perfect Moment post , you may place this button on your blog.Perfect Moment MondayWhat Perfect Moment have you recently been aware of? Visit the moments of others and share your comment love.

See you in two weeks!

Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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11 Responses

  1. Hooray for memes! And ones that I don’t have to commit to weekly 😉 Sadly I’ll have to bow out for this one… I’m slated to write about my wild and crazy journey of converting to Judaism that week in honor of the High Holidays.

    That said, looking forward to reading all the Perfect Moments this month!

  2. Yay! I have missed PMM (as you know) and look forward to their monthly return! I appreciate your reasoning for not doing weekly anymore. Thanks for the heads up! I like that it will usually fall during ICLW too. I hope you enjoyed your hiatus and will definitely promote it upcoming return! 🙂

  3. And the LFCA goes up every Sunday night as another reminder place. Just saying. I like the idea of a monthly mindfulathon.

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