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The Year of the Luz: 2011

January: I do yoga in snow boots at 10,000 feet.

February: I check off an item on my bucket list by participating in my first flash mob.

March: My daughter asks if she’s a bastard. With the help of my readers, I’m able to answer her.

April: My mother-in-law, Grandma Marshmallow, dies.

May: I struggle with mindfulness and put Perfect Moment Mondays on temporary hiatus.

June: I write vaguely about a really really really hard time.

July: While visiting Civil War battlefields, I face conflict of my own.

August: Ayurveda becomes part of my lifestyle.

September: I attend and speak at an open adoption conference and revel in being with like-minded people.

October: A girl from high school dies and I didn’t get to have a long-awaited conversation with her.

November: I am asked to tell the story of another girl I barely knew in high school. I had no idea back then how adoption had affected her life.

December: Through diary entries, I make a loooooooong awaited announcement about what Crystal and I will be doing in 2012.

So long, 2011. Thanks for all the gifts you brought. We had some good times, we had some bad times, but the point is we had time. I am surrounded by people I love and who love me. I have fulfilling and purposeful work. I get to move deeper into my yoga practice and enjoy coffee and wine and chocolate and good food and good company.

As I wrote dozens of times in my actual paper journal this year: Life is good.

Looking forward to meeting you, 2012.

Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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9 Responses

  1. I really liked how you approached the summary of your (eventful) year, and your outlook for 2012 (that means you just might see a familiar pattern over at my place. I’ve been struggling with how to summarize a year that, like you said, was a mix of good and bad times).

    Dear 2012, I welcome you with open arms and open heart.

  2. Imagining the blog post that will appear one year from now, Luz 2012:
    January: I worked on my book
    February: I worked on my book
    March: I worked on my book
    April: I worked on my book
    May: I worked on my book
    June: I worked on my book
    July: I worked on my book
    August: I worked on my book, oh crap it is due soon
    September: I worked on my book and tried hard to finish but didn’t quite
    October: Worked on my book more
    November: I turned in my book
    December: Phew!

    Hope that 2012 brings only good things to the Luz family.

  3. I realize that I have been around to read those things, and recall those events that you have mentioned. I may not always have left words of support or yay, but I have been around.

    I am going to second what BabySmiling said….and I sure hope the book will turn out fantastic.


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