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VIPs: Very Important Posts from November 2011

Very Important PostsHere is a collection of posts from the past few weeks that have made me think long after I read them. Click over to see if they are meaningful to you, too.

Heather gets a double nod this month, first with Overlapping Family and also with Why I Do This Part 3. In the first post, Heather notes whom her son counts as kin — and it may surprise you how expansive he is. In the latter post Heather explains why she spends her limited free time creating connections via Open Adoption Bloggers and The Adoption Interview Project, and why not all post-adoption support can or should come from professionals. It contains an excellent analogy about the role of the adoption professional — click over to read.

In considering openness with her son’s birth parents, Geo-Chick reveals a “big family secret” in My Mental Journey to Open Adoption. Further, she says that “the longer we waited and the more comfortable I became with the idea of regular visits and continuity, the more uncomfortable I became with the idea of being chosen by expectant parents who did not want contact.” After becoming mom to Baby X, she envisions in this post her role and tasks as as his mom: “being in an open adoption means that you have to remove yourself from the equation.” An interesting path from her own childhood to the one she wants for her son.

Christine from Welcome to My Brain says, “I witnessed something painful and beautiful this week.” In Making Things Right Christine reports on a conflict in a Facebook group that could have been a train wreck but wasn’t . Because I’ve witnessed and been party to such public conflicts, I liked the ending on this one, and that Christine thought it was notable.

And lastly, in a post about post-infertility parenting, The Allure and Tyranny of the White Picket Fence, JJiraffe ponders “My whole life I feel I craved this life of a suburban home with two kids and a husband. I certainly busted my ass to be here. So why is it so hard sometimes to BE here?”  Good question, and good comments.


Be on the lookout for what you consider Very Important Posts during the month of December — I’d love to know your nominations for the next edition of VIPs.

Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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8 Responses

  1. …I read them all and of course I was changed by each of them. I love when you point me toward wonderful words. Thanks so much Lori.

  2. Heather’s posts 1,2 and 3 blew me away. When did she become a mind-reader! It’s like she knows what I need to know and boom, she writes about it. Freaky.

    Can’t wait to read the other posts. Love these roundups.

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