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Perfect Moment Monday: Pink carnation and a pickup truck

Perfect Moment Monday is about noticing a perfect moment rather than creating one. Perfect moments can be momentous or ordinary or somewhere in between.

Once a week we engage in mindfulness about something that is right with our world. Everyone is welcome to join. Details on how to participate are at the bottom of this post, complete with bloggy bling.

Please visit the links of the participants at the bottom.

Here’s a perfect moment from my week. I hope you’ll share yours, too.


After breakfast on Saturday morning, the kids and I headed to the gym. They play in the Kids Club with their cousin, Dominic, while my sister, Tami and I do a cardio class. Works for all of us.

On the way to the gym American Pie came on the radio. Reed especially loves this song because of its association in his mind with Star Wars (remember this post?). He also loves to say, fiercely, “This’ll be the day that I DIE!”

So my perfect moment was the three of us singing at the top of our lungs about the chevy and the levee and the whiskey and rye. As I sing with Tessa and Reed I think of the future. As I listen to the song I think about the past — significant events in the rock & roll genre, 1959-1971 (much of which precedes me).

Swirl together the past and the future into one moment and it was simply perfect.

Sharing it with you. Sing loudly.


To participate in Perfect Moment Monday:

  1. Between Sunday night and Tuesday night, write up your own Perfect Moment in a blog post, on Twitter, on Facebook, or simply leave a comment below.
  2. Grab the URL of your Perfect Moment.
  3. Use MckLinky below to enter your (or your blog’s) name and the URL of your Perfect Moment
  4. Visit the Perfect Moments of others (from the links below), and let the writers know you were there.

Once you make a Perfect Moment post , you may place this button on your blog.

What Perfect Moment have you recently been aware of? Be sure to visit these moments and share the love, and please come back next week (click to subscribe).

Lori Holden, mom of a young adult daughter and a young adult son, writes from Denver. She was honored as an Angel in Adoption® by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute.

Find Lori’s books on her Amazon Author page, and catch episodes of Adoption: The Long View wherever you get your podcasts.

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0 Responses

  1. I LOVE this song and can imagine you, Tessa and Reed singing along in the car on the way to the gym.


  2. I love this song. I can remember when it first came out (although I was in grade school at the time). We analyzed it as a poem when I was in Grade 7 & our teacher explained all the analogies & “who’s whos” to us. Fun!

  3. There’s nothing better than a song where everyone enjoys singing along. My little boss, however, forbids group singing – either she’s singing, or I’m singing, or she wants to listen to the radio. Sometimes, I can sing along with the radio, but I can never sing along with her. I hope that changes when she gets a little older.

  4. Love this song–and yes, as soon as I saw this, I was thinking “A Long Long Time ago, In a Galaxy Far Away…” My son is in a Wierd Al phase and we play that song many many times in the car.

    Love the image of you guys all singing! Truely a perfect moment!

  5. I love that song! It reminds me of driving around with one of my good friends singing at the top of our lungs.
    My perfect moment, so far this week (<< optimistic thought), came tonight when we served dinner at the men's shelter. We thought our 2 year old wouldn't be able to serve because he was less than cooperative through preparation. When he saw us serving he whispered to me that he needed a glove too. When I didn't respond like wanted he pulled over his chair and wedged himself in. He was not to be left out. I surrendered a glove and he proceeded to serve corn asking each person "you like cone?". It was chaos getting there but the 4 of us lined up at that counter was a great moment. (I'm not sure if we broke any codes, he wore a glove and had clean hands and the people really enjoyed his enthusiasm.)

  6. Love this song. You know how people have their song with a significant other? This song is the song that me and my best friend from high school consider our song (no, she isn’t my significant other). We used to sing it at the top of our lungs driving around with nothing to do when we were in high school. We danced to it at her wedding, too. Thanks for bringing back good times.

  7. What a visual…. another awesome, perfect monday moment, you seem to have so many girl, lucky!!!

  8. I love that song, it makes me think of my sister jamming out in her car. thank you for sharing this truly perfect moment.

  9. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE when songs come on the radio that my kids know and want to sing and dance to! If only we were classy enough to listen to Don Maclean instead of Lady Gaga! A perfect moment indeed!

  10. My geek friends and I in high school always liked this song for its reference to the matching band refusing to yield. A good sing-out-loud song.

  11. To be totally honest, I am not a big fan of this song. I have negative associations with it from high school.

    But I love the image of Reed bridging a connection between the future and those past events (all of which precede him!).

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